In this guide, we will look at how to register and consume webhooks to integrate your app. We supports webhooks that can alert you of the following via callback URLs.
- Messages received
- Messages sent (Template & Session)
- Status of the messages sent (Sent/Delivered/read)
SMS webhooks
To register a new webhook, you need to have a URL in your app that Protocol can call. You can configure a new webhook from the dashboard under Mesaage app -> Utility Manager -> DLR Push Configuration. Give your webhook a name, pick the events you want to listen for, and add your URL.
How to add a SMS Webhook
- Click on 'Message app', then click on 'Utility Manager', and choose 'DLR Push Configuration' on the Dashboard.
- Click on 'Add Configuration'.

Whatsapp webhooks
To register a new webhook, You can configure a new webhook from the dashboard under Whatsapp -> Wa Utility -> Webhook. Give your webhook a name, pick the events you want to listen for, and add your URL.
How to add a Whatsapp Webhook
- Click on 'Whatsapp', then click on 'Wa Utility', and choose 'Webhook' on the Dashboard.
- Click on 'Add Webhook'.